Sunday, October 16, 2011

Pastor's Song - Donna Jackson

Dear Ladies,
This week I want to impress the importance of taking the time to thank your pastor and his or her wife for the service to you and your family and congregation. We really have no idea what it is like to live the life of a pastor. They have a large vision from God and only so much time, people, and capacity to live out the vision.

We can only imagine that it must be hard. For example, think about being available 24-7 and to get up and leave your family right in the middle of dinner or during a dance recital to be with a family who lost a loved one. There is a great sacrifice that comes with being a pastor, though you never hear them complain. Aren’t you glad that your pastor is called to be a pastor? How about the days they go with little sleep. God has awakened them to pray for you and me. They also seek God for the words to preach to their congregation. They don’t fly by the seat of their pants. They are committed.
Think about all of the people they deal with day-in and day-out, both the kind and difficult and the ones in-between. In fact, patience is a gift that most pastors are blessed with. Again, this makes me think of a reason to thank my pastors Keith and LaDonna Jones. I am not horribly needy person, but I take up some of their time. Though they have laid their lives down for us and Christ, they have less time to take care of themselves. They want to make a difference for the kingdom of God. They give every part of themselves to it!

Our dynamite duo takes care of many things that go in the church, as well as the business aspect, but ministering to people and making programs to meet the needs of your congregation takes time and people to get the job done. It wouldn’t hurt to thank our pastors and leaders more than once a year on Pastor’s Appreciation Day. It wouldn’t hurt to ask your pastors where you can help and share their load. If it is a 24-7 job, and they need our help. I think they would appreciate that. If we can help just a little bit, how much more can they be freed up to do and serve? Let's give back!

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