Saturday, June 4, 2011

Branchways: Mentoring Women One Life at a Time

Dear Women of the Most High God,

I am thankful that you are making branchways! Read on to understand what I mean! I recently read a blog post from a personal friend. She highlighted how many of the women she has worked with, ministered to, and trained have begun to blossom for the Kingdom of God. I remember thinking that this is the fruit on her tree. This is her life extended and reaching out to others. This is Christ working through all of these relationships and activities; these are His branches. What an amazing legacy she is building and at the same time, she is bringing glory to God.

I too want the same motto, lifestyle, and legacy. I want fruit on my tree. I want it to remain and be there for those in need. I want to empower other women to make those same branchways (pathways). I want to be His hands and His feet. I want to be a part of His multiplication and increase!

When the earth was created, God told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply: Genesis 9:7 And as for you, be fruitful and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth And multiply in it.” Yes, there is a natural interpretation here and it is rather obvious. Could I infer that there is a deeper meaning to be had?

I have to say yes! The New Testament reveals more. Did Jesus say go and make disciples? Yes. Did he tell us to have the faith of a mustard seed and let the birds come and feed? So, if we grow and drop seeds, they begin to grow and so on and so on! So, I can make this assumption! I’m not finished yet. I need to take this a step further.

Like my friend I just told you about, I too believe that I am called to mentor and work with women. He has given me a word to speak to encourage, teach, and admonish, but it is more than that. It’s about the hand-in-hand working and development of women day-in and day-out.

I was evaluating my female relationships this week. This includes the women I work closely with at work at school and at church. I can see how my investment is paying off. I had two conversations this week about growth. My word to one of them was, “Man, you are growing!” Now that I think about it, I said some thing like to her at least four times this week! Ladies this did not happen over night! I am grateful to see what the Lord is doing through me, but I want Him to use me more and more and more!

Let’s all strive to be branchways for Christ as we mentor!

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